While a solo Engineer will want a build that focuses on the offensive or summon options of the class a party tank will likely want to invest in defensive options instead. They are a flexible Torchlight 2 hero with the best Engineer build heavily influenced by your party size.

Unique to the Engineer is their version of the charge mechanic where you can build charges with certain skills or passives and then consume those charges for additional effects of specific skills. Not afraid of getting into the fray with enemies the Engineer can be found wielding large melee weapons, cannons or a traditional shield and single handed weapon. Coming from a guild of technology experts they are responsible for building much of the industrial areas in the wider Torchlight 2 Empire and are drawn to the adventure in Torchlight 2 for the mines and ruins that may be unlocked as a result. The Engineer fills the role of melee fighter archetype in Torchlight 2 and is presented as a durable fighter that is battle hardened. Read our other Torchlight 2 guides for Embermage, Berserker and Outlander. It includes skills and stat point allocations to ensure you have a rounded set of information to master the Engineer class in Torchlight 2. In this guide to the Engineer we cover the Emberquake and Flame Hammer build options that utilise skills across your applicable skill trees so you can select or even mix and match a playstyle that resonates with you.
Ultimately the build path you take for the Engineer will depend on your own playstyle and how far you plan to push into the new game plus content that Torchlight 2 has to offer. Which Torchlight 2 Engineer build will you use through the story and side quests of this action RPG adventure? As one of the most popular classes in Torchlight 2 the Engineer is often the first pick for many given they are a durable and flexible character that is fantastic in solo and group play. A Cannon Engineer might want to consider a four-socket cannon with a Skull of Vastok in one of it's sockets.Last Updated on Octoby Samuel Franklin Torchlight 2 Engineer Build – Emberquake & Flame Hammer For weapons, stacked Skulls of Zardon, Vellinque Skulls, or Meerko Skulls are all very potent. A Summoner cannot beat an Iron Sword - or two! Finally, The Power Behind the Throne, The Kingmaker, The Killdozer, and a solid level 90+ four-socket cannon, (enchanted with integer damage and attack speed), are all the BFG a cannon Engineer could want.įor a Summoning Engineer's armor, Skulls of Umbarmun are critical, and all Engineer builds benefit from Skulls of Limoany and Skulls of Riechliu. For a melee Engineer, The Wizard of Gore, Black Rose, Quartermas and the Pit, Whirlpool of Fate, and Comet's Tail are all nasty. They have a wide array of options due to the diversity of successful builds. When selecting Engineer weapons, base damage is usually key. For a ranged or minion-master, Celestial, or the Inquisitor set are acceptable choices. The order of priorities for an Engineer's gear is thusly, strength, (or focus), vitality, % Cast speed, % Run speed, and % minion damage.įor a melee Engineer's armor, Mondon's Vestment, (enchanted with % cast speed), Construction, and Cornerstone are strong picks.

They are able to even find success as a high-focus build. Recommendations:Įngineers are very forgiving as long as one picks a theme and sticks with it. No phasing, somersaults, or wolf-dashes - just a long recast timer on a short ranged charge leaves the Engineer at the mercy of run-speed gear or Haste if he wants to cover some real-estate in a hurry. The only real downside to an Engineer is their lack of any respectable mobility skills.

Their skills are all nicely solid, supported by useful passives, and they can tank, hack, summon, and even play ranged games with mortars. A player really needs to think hard to fuck-up this class. Gun-bot is a real blast.įor end-game play, the Engineer is unique it's viability over a diverse builds and equipment. With access to swarms of clockwork minions and automatons, this class can build a division of EXPLOSIVE mechanical kill-bots and drones. In addition to their peerless fortitude, the Engineer is never without friends. Slapping a shield on will only amplify this, however, a two-handed weapon engineer with either large melee weapon or giant cannon is a real marvel to watch. Their skills overlap nicely to craft letting them shrug off blows that would one-shot any other class. Engineers are Torchlight II's primary tank class.